The To-Do List

Welcome to 2025!

I hope your Christmas and New Celebrations were special ones.

I have started the new year with two pages of ‘things’ that have been on my ‘gonna’ list for far too long. Plus, one new, daunting item – pack up my studio for the house-painters … I have a lot of paintings, paints, grounds, brushes, solvents, varnishes, computer with it’s numerous attachments, furniture, my books and art books, etc., etc. LOL!! I shall not be up to any mischief, or creativity, for a month 🙂 The sage green walls are relaxing but I am looking forward to the soft white walls to highlight my artworks and reflect more light in my studio.


One of the long-standing items on my To-Do List was to upload several little eBooks that I wrote and sold as download files some 15-20+ years ago, on Etsy and eBay. The PDF files are now available as FREE downloads. Please Note: Some contact information and links in the eBooks are no longer available (links on this website are all current).

The 8 new DIYs are at:

The eBooks are written for beginners and are reflective of my experiences as an artist and former art and craft tutor. In the different books I include a variety of tips and hints, money-saver suggestions, illustrations, requirement lists, templates, and easy step-by-step instructions. ** Feel free to browse through the files while on line, or download and print. Enjoy. Experiment.

Another To-Do item was to update my profile image and info across all my web activities. Done!! It’s a ‘sorta selfie’, with a little help from my hubby. I set up the camera settings, tripod, stool etc, and he clicked the remote – thanks Greg.

Currently on my easel are these 2 paintings:

I’m still finding so much inspiration from nature and my travels. Australia is such a beautiful country. The painting has been a slow process with some home renovations, Christmas holidays with family, and preparing for house-painters due to start in 10days – a lot of distractions – but very lovely distractions 🙂

Just a reminder for my posts about my artworks in progress follow me on the Facebook and Instagram links at the bottom of the page. Cheers, Judi


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