Blog: Artist Book


The original hard-copy of this Artist’s Book was first presented at a joint exhibition titled ‘Encounters With The Landscape’, held at The Rinaldi Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria, in September 2006. All images presented in this Slide Show appear individually which is a variation to the original book format. (Double tap if video background appears grey.) Artist’s…
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Published: 21-09-2023


Well I have enjoyed learning bookbinding techniques through the Domestika Online Course. It has taken me a while as I usually only spend a couple of hours a week working on it. Most often on a Wednesday morning when a few of us meet at a friend’s art studio to work on our various art…
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Published: 8-11-2021

Two Down – One to Go!

I’ve just one more project to complete in the Bookbinding course I’m doing … “I’m doing” – well doing occasionally. It’s usually just a couple of hours a week that I put aside for this project. (More info: Previous Posts) I am thoroughly enjoying this course. The first project was for a concertina Artist Book….
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Published: 7-08-2021

Book Binding

I’ve been working on a small Artist’s Book the last few days or so. The artwork is from an old sketchbook, an en plain air graphite sketch I did while holidaying on South Stradbroke Island, back in the early ninties. I had the sketch copied to acetate at the time for another project. A couple…
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Published: 3-05-2021

Ten Pelican Artists’ Books

The Feature Image for this Blog shows the Set of Ten Pelican Artist’s Books that I created in 1993 when I was studying for a Bachelor of Visual Arts in Fine Art at Queensland College of Art Griffith University. Two of the books were later purchased by two State Libraries. In 2005 the Artist Book…
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Published: 16-03-2021
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