Blog: pen and ink

My Holiday Moments – Inspiring Landscapes
Why I haven’t been in my studio 🙂 xx Capturing the colours and changes in our amazing Australian landscapes was my main interest in my little sketchbook, worked from a different perspective to the above photo. For this WIP of a billabong in Arnhem Land I first roughed in a few of the amazing colours…
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Looking Back
During the 80’s and 90’s I worked as a Freelance Artist, specialising in freehand pen and ink sketches. The first commission came in 1979, from a Real Estate Agency in Essendon, Victoria. They weren’t happy with the illustration an artist had done for a delicate Victorian two-storey terrace home. The Commission was completed and published…
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en plein air
Early in Jun I enrolled in a few courses with The University of the Third Age on Sunshine Coast. Two courses are for health and fitness with my husband, the third is for my love of en plein air sketching and painting. Our group meets twice a month and I am discovering some very picturesque…
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Well I have enjoyed learning bookbinding techniques through the Domestika Online Course. It has taken me a while as I usually only spend a couple of hours a week working on it. Most often on a Wednesday morning when a few of us meet at a friend’s art studio to work on our various art…
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Book Binding
I’ve been working on a small Artist’s Book the last few days or so. The artwork is from an old sketchbook, an en plain air graphite sketch I did while holidaying on South Stradbroke Island, back in the early ninties. I had the sketch copied to acetate at the time for another project. A couple…
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